Classes and Events
USS Midway Museum Volunteer Sessions
Fee: Free

Volunteer aboard the USS Midway and help keep the historical ship clean and free from rust by participating in a foreign object debris (FOD) walk. In the military, an FOD walk is where sailors physically inspect and clean the flight deck of any foreign objects that could cause damage to the aircraft or personnel when blown by rotors or sucked into engines.
On the Midway, our FOD walks involve cleaning out the pad eyes, which collect a lot of dirt from everyday activity on the ship. A USS Midway staff member will be on hand to direct you to the areas that need cleaning.
This project will also give you the opportunity to spend time aboard, learn about the history of Midway, and help keep the ship clean for museum guests from all over the world. There will be a group photo at the end of the event.
Select a date
Saturday, March 29
910 N Harbor Dr
San Diego, CA 92101
Saturday, April 12
910 N Harbor Dr
San Diego, CA 92101