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Classes and Events

Mood Disorders Support Group

A free online support group for people who have a friend or family member with a diagnosed mood disorder.

Thursdays (except Thanksgiving), 5 to 6 pm

Learn more

Presented by Sharp Mesa Vista Hospital plus

Group meetings are held virtually. You can attend via your phone, computer or mobile device. Registration is not required.

This free weekly support group is for family members or friends of individuals who have a diagnosis of depression, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder or anxiety. It will be conducted in an open discussion format. Your loved one does not have to be a current or past patient of Sharp Mesa Vista Hospital to attend.

If you have questions, please contact us at 858-836-8459 or by entering your name and email address in the "Learn More" box on this page. The program manager will email you within two business days.

Mood Disorders Support Group login information  Thursdays at 5 pm PT (excluding major holidays)

Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

Meeting ID: 296 100 759 209
Passcode: dWDjF8
Dial in by phone: 858-573-1718
Phone conference ID: 863 283 553# 

Download Microsoft Teams app on your smartphone or tablet

Special Instructions plus

This group is for adults with loved ones who have mood disorders.

Schedule plus

This is an open discussion group. Discussion topics include: 

  • Understanding symptoms and treatments (emphasis on cognitive behavioral therapy)
  • The significance of relationships throughout the course of the illnesses
  • Co-occurring diagnoses
  • Symptom management
  • Identifying triggers of mood episodes
  • What families can do to help

Please note that there will be no group meeting on Thanksgiving Day.

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