Classes and Events
Cord Blood Banking Education Class
Fee: Free

As part of our commitment to being the best place to receive care, Sharp HealthCare has partnered with StemCyte, the leader in cord blood collection and banking, to provide this important service to our patients. During your pregnancy, there are many decisions to make as you prepare for your new addition. One of those decisions is whether to save your baby's umbilical cord blood stem cells.
This class is designed to provide information and materials to assist expectant parents in making an educated decision on the best cord blood banking option for their family. Topics that will be covered include the importance of preserving your baby's cord blood and the power of newborn stem cells.
Each expectant mom will receive a $25 Amazon gift card if they stay until the end of the class.
Select a date
Thursday, April 10
3075 Health Center Drive
San Diego, CA 92123
Thursday, May 15
3075 Health Center Drive
San Diego, CA 92123