Chemo brain and cognitive problems during cancer care
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Patients receiving cancer treatment often face difficulties with memory, focus, multi-tasking and other cognitive problems. This phenomenon has earned the nickname "chemo brain," although radiation, anesthesia and even the cancer disease itself may be the cause.
Cognitive issues can cause serious disruption and emotional distress for patients when they may already be overwhelmed by their diagnosis and treatment.
At The Cancer Centers of Sharp, we offer a continuum of services to help patients and their care partners cope with the cognitive effects of cancer — including resources, free workshops, ongoing assessments and rehabilitation programs — so that patients can re-focus on their healing and recovery.
Workshop: Improving Memory and Concentration – a free, online workshop that explores cognitive challenges for patients and offers tips and strategies for managing and improving memory during and after cancer treatment
How to Help and Support Someone with Chemo Brain: A Class for Loved Ones – a free, online class for care partners, family members and others who are looking to understand their loved one’s cognitive struggles and how they can help
Memory and Attention Adaptation Training (MAAT) – a free, 8-week class led by oncology social workers and speech language pathologists. This program helps patients and survivors understand the cognitive challenges they are experiencing. Participants learn and practice new techniques and skills to enhance memory, improve concentration and manage the stress that accompanies changes in thinking.
Alumni-Mentor Program – an opportunity for new patients to connect with cancer survivors who faced cognitive difficulties during their treatment
For more information about our services or to schedule an assessment, send us an email or call 1-800-827-4277.