Buying health insurance
If you are currently uninsured or need to purchase insurance on your own, let us help you get started.
Where to purchase insurance
You can purchase insurance for you and your family through Covered California or private health insurance companies, including Sharp Health Plan.
Covered California is the marketplace where Californians can get health insurance premium assistance under the federal Affordable Care Act. Covered California offers financial subsidies to individuals and families who qualify. If you qualify, you can use the subsidy to offset the cost of a plan offered by private insurance companies.
To learn more or to find out if you qualify for new financial help, contact a Sharp Health Plan enrollment specialist at ifpsales@sharp.com or at 858-499-8211, or visit Covered California's website.
Find the right coverage for you
Since Jan. 1, 2020, Californians are required to have qualifying health insurance coverage throughout the year. Those who do not may face a financial penalty. Learn more by visiting the State of California Franchise Tax Board.
You may purchase insurance during open enrollment periods or when you experience a qualifying life event (i.e., marriage, divorce, birth, lost job, etc.).
You may need to purchase coverage if you are turning 26 and are no longer eligible as a dependent on a parent's insurance plan.
We're here to help you understand your options for purchasing health insurance.
Plans accepted by Sharp
At Sharp HealthCare, we accept almost all health insurance plans — including Sharp Health Plan.
If you need additional information about health insurance coverage or how to get care at Sharp, call 1-800-82-SHARP (1-800-827-4277), Monday through Friday, 7 am to 7 pm.
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