Vertical sleeve gastrectomy
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At Sharp, we know that weight loss surgery is a big decision. That's why we're here to walk you through all your options and help you make the choice that is right for you.
If you are significantly overweight and have been unable to achieve effective weight loss through diet and exercise programs alone, vertical sleeve gastrectomy may be an option.
How the vertical sleeve gastrectomy procedure works
Vertical sleeve gastrectomy decreases stomach volume and the amount of food it can hold by removing 85% or more of the stomach without bypassing the intestines or preventing the body from fully absorbing nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract.
This removed portion of the stomach is responsible for producing ghrelin, the hormone that causes appetite and hunger. By removing this portion of the stomach, rather than leaving it in place, the level of ghrelin is decreased, which causes loss of or a reduction in appetite.
Vertical sleeve gastrectomy advantages and disadvantages
As with all surgical procedures, there are advantages and disadvantages. At Sharp, we believe it's important you are aware of both.
Advantages of vertical sleeve gastrectomy
Most common weight loss surgery
Dramatically improves health problems related to weight
Less time in operating room
Requires less anesthesia
Shorter hospital stay
Often allows most foods to be eaten in small amounts
Decreases risk of dumping syndrome
Reduces stomach volume
Appealing option for individuals at a higher risk for the more invasive gastric bypass surgery due to health complications
Disadvantages of vertical sleeve gastrectomy
Procedure is not reversible
Is weight loss surgery right for you?
Weight loss surgery is a tool — without lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, weight regain is possible.
Make an educated and informed decision about weight loss surgery by attending one of our free educational seminars offered by Sharp Coronado Hospital or Sharp Memorial Hospital. You will learn everything you need to know about vertical sleeve gastrectomy, including program requirements and other treatment options.
We also recommend you attend one of our monthly support groups to talk with and ask questions of other weight loss surgery patients.
Frequently asked questions
If you aren't sure if weight loss surgery is right for you or you don't meet the requirements but are still interested in losing weight, learn more about our personalized weight loss programs at Sharp.