Victor Seikaly, MD
Medical doctor (MD)
Hospital medicine
Internal medicine (board certified)
Victor Seikaly, MD
Medical doctor (MD)
Hospital medicine
Internal medicine (board certified)
Schedule an appointment
Accepting new patients
Location and phone
Victor E. Seikaly, MD
Fax: 619-667-0267
About Victor Seikaly, MD
67In practice since:
English, SpanishEducation
Medical School Curriculum, Ensenada:
Medical SchoolFlushing Hospital Medical Center:
FellowshipFlushing Hospital Medical Center:
ResidencyHospital affiliation
Patient Portal
Insurance plans accepted
Victor Seikaly, MD, accepts 31 health insurance plans.
Ratings and reviews
49 ratings
Patient ratings
Explanations the care provider gave you about your problem or condition
Concern the care provider showed for your questions or worries
Provider included you in decisions
Likelihood of your recommending this care provider to others
Care Provider’s discussion of any proposed treatment (options, risks, benefits, etc.)
Patient reviews
Verified Patient
October 28, 20245.0
Dr. Yao was already familiar with the issue. Very helpful in making a decision. We were advised would be a lengthy fix to problem. Very reassuring.
Verified Patient
September 16, 20242.8
Short visit because of a recent emergency. He ordered blood work and a referral. I was not privy to test results.
Verified Patient
September 4, 20245.0
Dr. Seikaly - always inform me and explain my result.
Verified Patient
August 27, 20245.0
Very thorough coverage of test results.
Reviews are collected through nationally recognized Press Ganey patient satisfaction surveys. Learn more about ratings and reviews.
Special recognitions
Over 50 recognitions
Victor Seikaly, MD, has received over 50 Guardian Angel recognitions from grateful patients and families. Have you and your family received exceptional care from Victor Seikaly, MD? Consider paying tribute with a Guardian Angel gift.
Over 50 recognitions
Victor Seikaly, MD, has received over 50 Guardian Angel recognitions from grateful patients and families. Have you and your family received exceptional care from Victor Seikaly, MD? Consider paying tribute with a Guardian Angel gift.
All affiliated doctors referred by Sharp HealthCare are in good standing with a Sharp hospital or medical group and pay no fees to be included in this service. Doctors are not employees or agents of Sharp HealthCare. Selection is based on your particular needs. Learn more about how doctors and other providers are included in this service and the information displayed here.