Sharp Mesa Vista Hospital referrals
At Sharp Mesa Vista, we understand the importance of partnering with community providers to help patients in need. We accept referrals from primary care doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists and others who feel their patients would benefit from the specialized behavioral health care we offer. Our Intake Department accepts calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Refer a patient to Sharp Mesa Vista by calling 858-836-8434 or completing the Sharp Mesa Vista Hospital Outpatient Treatment Request Form.
To refer a patient for electroconvulsive therapy, please complete the Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Referral Form. Patients cannot make a self-referral for ECT. Their mental health provider must make a referral.
How to refer
Request a screening
Call our Sharp Mesa Vista admissions representatives at 858-836-8434 to request a screening on behalf of your patient. We will reach out directly to your patient to schedule the assessment.
Patients can self-refer to Sharp Mesa Vista
Ask your patient to call Sharp Mesa Vista at 858-836-8434.
Complete request form
For outpatient treatment at Sharp Mesa Vista, a provider, patient or a patient’s loved one can complete the Sharp Mesa Vista Hospital Outpatient Treatment Request Form.
Please be assured that we will respect your patient’s privacy in alignment with HIPAA regulations.
Programs and services
For nearly six decades, Sharp Mesa Vista has provided treatment and support for hundreds of thousands of children, teens, adults and seniors challenged by serious mental illness and addiction. Our programs include inpatient, partial hospitalization and outpatient services. During our screening we assess whether we can meet the needs of your patient, and we identify the appropriate treatment and level of care.
We look forward to partnering with you and your patient on the road to recovery.