Health information exchange

At Sharp HealthCare, we're proud to participate in health information exchanges. This allows participating hospitals and health care providers to safely and securely share patient health information — resulting in a more complete, current medical record that helps you receive the best care possible.

The electronic exchange reduces the likelihood of undergoing redundant tests and procedures and lessens your burden of keeping track of and transferring your medical documents to each of your doctors.

Sharp will only send patient health information through health information exchanges if and when you seek treatment from a doctor outside of Sharp who participates in the exchange.

Opt-out requests from participating in health information exchanges

If you do not wish to have your Sharp medical records made available through health information exchanges, send your request to

Any information previously shared before you submit this opt-out request may remain securely with health care providers who accessed information before this effective date of your opt-out request. Your opt-out request will be effective approximately five business days after the submission date.

By opting out, you request that Sharp not share your medical record electronically through health information exchanges with any other regions or outside health care organizations. If you choose not to participate, none of your Sharp HealthCare medical information will be shared electronically through health information exchanges; however, in the event you see a caregiver for treatment outside of Sharp, that provider may request and receive your medical information from Sharp through other methods, such as fax or mail.

If you decide to opt back into health information exchanges, you will need to you will need to send your request to

In addition, a separate request must be completed for each family member wishing to opt out of the health information exchange.

Learn more about health information exchanges