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Wonderful watermelon kebabs (recipe)

By The Health News Team | September 4, 2020

Wonderful watermelon kebabs (recipe)

Sweet and refreshing, watermelon is a quintessential summer treat. Alternate it with grapes and blueberries — or any of your favorite summer fruits — in this tasty kebab recipe, adapted from the "What's Cooking USDA Mixing Bowl" website.

Wonderful watermelon kebabs (recipe)


  • 1/2 small seedless watermelon, cut into chunks

  • 3 cups large seedless green grapes, removed from stems

  • 2 cups blueberries

  • 1 lime



Step 1

Prepare 16 wooden (6- to 8-inch) skewers on a rimmed baking sheet.


Step 2

Cut watermelon in chunks. Alternating fruits, thread on skewers. Arrange skewers on baking sheet, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until serving.


Step 3

Squeeze juice from lime in a small bowl. Just before serving, drizzle or brush kebabs with fresh lime juice. Transfer to serving platter.

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