From webinar to AFib procedure: Lieutenant gets expert care
Patient finds comfort in care team and confidence in AFib treatment after attending a Sharp HealthCare webinar.
In industrialized nations, such as the U.S., women outlive men by five to 10 years. In fact, 85% of people who live to be 100 years old are women.
Why do women outlive men by so many years? There are four main factors, including:
Cardiovascular disease — Men are at a greater risk of developing cardiovascular disease and other related diseases, such as stroke.
The double X chromosomes — Compared with men, women are less likely to develop conditions associated with genetic mutations, such as hemophilia.
Testosterone — Testosterone is responsible for aggressive driving and other risky behaviors, which make men more likely to die from causes related to accidents, violence or suicide.
Smoking and alcohol consumption — Men are more likely than women to engage in these behaviors, which have a negative impact on overall health.
Closing the longevity gap
Evidence shows that the longevity gap — the difference between the expected length of time men and women are expected to live — is closing as more men develop better health habits. One of the most important habits to note: Men are now more regularly monitoring their own health.
“Regular checkups are an important part of the health equation,” says Dr. Robert Eisenberg, a board-certified urologist affiliated with Sharp Grossmont Hospital. “Along with watching for any changes in their health, men should talk to their doctors about how often they should be screened for certain diseases and conditions, including prostate cancer, skin cancer, colon cancer, high cholesterol and diabetes.”
Dr. Eisenberg offers five simple ways for men to live healthier and longer:
“Making the right choices has a significant impact on health and longevity for men,” explains Dr. Eisenberg. “Biology and genetics play a relatively small part.”
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