Flu surges in San Diego
The County of San Diego is reporting record numbers of flu in San Diego and urging everyone eligible to get their flu shot.
Every day, local hospitals, including Sharp hospitals, rely on members of the community who give unselfishly of themselves through blood donation to help save the lives of others. And according to the San Diego Blood Bank, the need for donations is a constant throughout the year.
One in seven people entering the hospital need blood or blood components. That blood is freely given by those who participate in their local blood drives. However, while nearly 40% of Americans are eligible to donate blood, the Red Cross reports only 3% do so, often because people think that they cannot donate for one reason or another.
If you were told in the past that you cannot donate, the requirements may have changed. It’s a good idea to try again — you may now be able to give. Five common myths about barriers to donating are busted below:
As long as you are healthy and meet all qualifications, medication should not prevent you from donating blood. However, there are a few medications that require a waiting period to donate.
These include:
Acne medications, such as isotretinoin, commonly known as Accutane (wait one month)
Blood thinners, such as Coumadin or Lovenox (wait seven days)
Propecia, a hair-loss medication (wait one month)
PrEP, used for HIV prevention (wait three months or two years if received by injection)
Other medications may require a waiting period of one day to two years or more. Check with your local blood bank about any medications you take or have taken to see if you are eligible to donate.
Well-managed health conditions, including diabetes, epilepsy, hypertension or asthma, will not interfere with blood donation. However, there are waiting periods for some conditions, including COVID-19, cold, flu and other types of illness.
According to the Red Cross, you must be in good health to donate. This means that you feel well and can perform normal activities. Additionally, individuals who have AIDS, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, hepatitis B or C, or are HIV-positive cannot donate blood. The Red Cross provides a comprehensive list of eligibility criteria for review before planning to donate.
Most international travel will not interfere with blood donation. And there is no longer a deferral, or period of time you must wait to donate, for travel in the U.K., Ireland and France from 1980 to present, which was previously considered a risk for possible exposure to Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, associated with mad cow disease.
However, you may not be able to donate if you spent time in a country with malaria in the last year, including Mexico. If you have traveled or lived in a country with malaria, a waiting period is required before you can donate blood.
You must wait:
3 months after returning from a trip to an area where malaria is found
3 years after completing treatment for malaria
3 years after living more than 5 years in a country or countries where malaria is found
An additional 3 years after returning from a trip to an area where malaria is found if you have not lived a consecutive 3 years where malaria is not found
If you received your tattoo at a licensed shop in California and the tattoo has fully healed, there is no need to wait to donate blood. If your piercing was performed with sterile, single-use, disposable equipment and needles, there is no need to wait.
However, you must wait three months after getting a tattoo if it was applied in a state that does not regulate tattoo facilities. This includes the District of Columbia, Georgia, Idaho, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Utah and Wyoming. And you must wait three months if a piercing was performed using a reusable gun or any reusable instrument.
In 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration changed their policy on blood donation. Blood donor eligibility is now determined using questions based on individual activity instead of identity. This update will help reduce the likelihood of transmitting HIV through blood transfusion and ensures that questions are consistent for every donor, regardless of their sexual orientation, sex or gender.
According to the San Diego Blood Bank, donors will now be asked if they’ve had new or multiple sexual partners in the past three months and if they’ve had anal sex with any of these partners. If they have, they will be required to wait three months from when they most recently had anal sex to donate. If they have not and meet all other eligibility criteria, they will be able to donate.
How you can donate blood
Refer to the San Diego Blood Bank website for more information on medication restrictions, waiting periods and other requirements for blood donation. General blood donation requirements include:
You must be in good health and feeling well.
You must be at least 16 years old in most states.
You must weigh at least 110 lbs.
You cannot donate more often than every 56 days and over six times a year.
The process to donate blood is quick and easy — and can help save a life. When you go to donate, a staff member will walk you through a series of questions to make sure you’re eligible; take your blood pressure, temperature and pulse; and take a blood sample to ensure your blood count is acceptable.
In San Diego, schedule an appointment to donate blood via the San Diego Blood Bank website or by calling 619-400-8251. Walk-ins are welcome.
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