Colon cancer in young people rises, age for screening drops
More people in their 20s are being diagnosed with colon cancer than ever before.
Colorectal cancer — also referred to as colon cancer — is the fourth-most diagnosed cancer in men and women in the U.S. and the second leading cause of cancer death. It's also highly curable if caught early, which is why colon cancer symptoms should never be ignored.
One of those symptoms is blood in the stool. Dr. Erick Alayo, a gastroenterologist affiliated with Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center, explains why you might have blood in your stool and how to respond if you do.
1. How do I know if there is blood in my stool?
It's important to watch for changing colors in your stool. Talk with your doctor if you notice changes so that potential issues can be identified. The color of stool with blood can vary: A red or maroon color may reveal a problem, such as hemorrhoids, in the lower part of the digestive tract, whereas a dark, blackish color might reveal an ulcer or other problem with the upper digestive tract.
2. How is blood in stool assessed?
The best way to assess stool blood is by conducting a colonoscopy. This process allows the doctor to thoroughly observe the colon's interior, allowing for an accurate diagnosis and specific treatment. The American Cancer Society recommends that most adults at average risk for colorectal cancer begin regular colonoscopy screenings at age 45 — earlier if there is family history of colon cancer.
3. Can foods cause blood in stool?
Eating foods that cause strain or are low in fiber — such as carbohydrates and flours — can produce constipation. The strain to have bowel movements when coping with constipation can lead to hemorrhoids, which, in turn, can cause blood in the stool.
4. How can blood in stool due to hemorrhoids be prevented?
Stool blood can be prevented by adding more vegetable fiber to your diet, such as salads, leafy greens and green vegetables, including spinach and broccoli. A colonoscopy or anoscopy can confirm hemorrhoids. Once confirmed, these can be eliminated by rubber band ligation, during which a small elastic band is placed around the base of a hemorrhoid to cut off the circulation of blood to the hemorrhoid, causing it to wither and drop off. Another treatment option is a surgical procedure called a hemorrhoidectomy. This is conducted for large, persistent and internal hemorrhoids that may return after a successful rubber band ligation.
5. If it's not hemorrhoids, what could it be?
Seeing blood in the stool should not be taken lightly. Additional reasons for seeing stool blood can include polyps, tumors, ulcers and colitis. Symptoms of concern that accompany blood in the stool include abdominal pain, vomiting, weakness, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, palpitations and weight loss and should not be ignored. If these symptoms are not addressed promptly, they could lead to colon cancer.
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