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Coronado Hospital Foundation

Your gift makes a difference in the lives of our patients.

About Coronado Hospital Foundation

Since 1978, Coronado Hospital Foundation has been dedicated to enhancing the current and future health care needs of Coronado residents, visitors and the surrounding community through support of programs, services and equipment at Sharp Coronado Hospital.

Campaign for Emergency and Intensive Care

Donations support the expansion and renovation of Sharp Coronado’s emergency services and new Primary Stroke Center.

Support emergency care

Nursing Scholarship Program

The Katy Green and Cathy McJannet Nursing Scholarship Program shapes the future of health care by supporting the education and growth of dedicated nursing professionals.

Support our nurses

Where the need is greatest

Your gift may be designated to our priority projects or you may choose to make an unrestricted gift.

Make a gift

Upcoming events

Choose the donation option that works for you.