
Storytelling is an essential part of our journey to transform the health care experience.

Since the beginning of time, stories have helped humans make sense of the world.

At Sharp, we use storytelling to connect us to the meaning and purpose of our work, create heartfelt connections with each other and those we serve, and share progress on our journey to become the best health care system in the universe.

We encourage our team members to make the time to gather and share stories that keep the spark of The Sharp Experience alive.

What stories do

Yousif Qass Younan at Sharp Grossmont Hospital
Connect us to purpose
Mental health listicle - stay connected
Forge stronger and more personal relationships
Dr. Kim smiling and connecting with happy patient outside.
Share and embed our values
Harry Kirschner, CEO of Abundant Alliance
Teach in a way that’s more memorable than bullet points
Suzanne Shea at Sharp HealthCare's corporate offices
Inspire us to take action
Man consulting with his doctor
Reveal what’s really happening in our organization

Storytelling resources