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Lori’s legacy: Moore Mountainview hospice home

By The Health News Team | Updated December 12, 2022

The Moore MountainView hospice home Sharp HealthCare

Lori Moore is no stranger to bearing witness to the delicate passing of life. Along with having spent much of her nursing career at the bedside of critically ill patients, Lori has volunteered for Sharp HospiceCare and Sharp Grossmont Hospital’s 11th Hour Program. In each of these roles, she has given patients comfort and companionship during the final hours of their lives.

Lori’s calling toward caring for the dying came when she was just a child.

“When I was young, my grandpa was dying,” recalls Lori. “My grandpa was my best friend. And during the times we lived in, I was not allowed to be with him as he was dying. So, at 8 years old, I knew I wanted to be a nurse. I wanted to be with people and comfort them when they needed it most.”

Lori’s nursing career brought her to hospitals across San Diego County, where she tended to the most vulnerable patients – those living with AIDS, mothers of stillborn babies and patients in intensive care. Her clinical skills also allowed her to care for her own family as they aged and faced severe illnesses.

“I am the nurse of the family,” says Lori, smiling.

Lori has cared for many family members, most recently her beloved partner who received services from Sharp HospiceCare. Even though she had the medical knowledge and abilities to care for her family members, Lori was still relieved to have the extra help from the hospice care providers.

“Sharp HospiceCare made it so I could focus my time with my loved one, and I didn’t have to worry about ordering medical equipment, picking up medications and so on,” says Lori. “The end of the story is the same for hospice patients, but to have that time with your loved one and to be able to focus just on them is truly a gift that hospice provides.”

Generations of giving back
Lori and her family, founders of the Cushman Foundation, are now sharing their appreciation for hospice with a generous financial gift toward Sharp HospiceCare’s newest hospice home being built in Poway. The home, slated to open in 2024, has been named the Moore MountainView Hospice Home in honor of Lori.

The Cushman family has been at the center of both volunteer leadership and philanthropy since the start of Sharp HealthCare. Five generations of the Cushman family have given to Sharp HealthCare and served on the Sharp HealthCare Board of Directors. The Cushmans’ contribution toward Sharp HospiceCare’s newest hospice home is a continuation in their incredible legacy that has touched countless lives.

“I want to put my name on Moore MountainView to show others my commitment to hospice and invite others to champion this important cause together,” says Lori.

A special place of compassionate care
Sharp HospiceCare’s Moore MountainView Hospice Home will be a place where patients and their families can spend quality time with each other and make the most of each day. When completed, the home will feature six patient bedrooms, living and family rooms, a kitchen, dinette and a nurses' station. An outdoor area with picturesque landscaping will enhance the comfortable setting and provide patients an outdoor environment for family gatherings.

The home will also be a place where families will have compassionate, skilled staff available around the clock to help make the final phase of a person's life comfortable and peaceful. In her years of being at the patient bedside and caring for her own family, Lori understands the value of having additional support at the end of life.

“Having your loved one in their own home at the end of life is nice, but it is also good to have a backup plan, such as a hospice home with all its support and services – even after someone has passed,” says Lori. “For the family left behind, grieving is rough. Sharp HospiceCare helps with the grieving journey. It’s how we care for the community and how we are there for each other. That’s what Sharp HealthCare does, and I am happy to be a part of that.”

Learn more about the Moore MountainView Hospice Home and view a video about Lori Moore.

For the news media: To talk with Lori Moore about the Moore MountainView Hospice Home, contact Erica Carlson, senior public relations specialist, at

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