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10 things to pack when you’re having a baby

By The Health News Team | June 1, 2017
10 things to pack when you’re having a baby

For moms-to-be, packing a hospital bag can be both exciting and a little overwhelming. If you’ve never been through childbirth or had a new baby to care for, the items you think you may need seem endless.

Many pregnant women wonder how many outfits they need to bring to the hospital, whether they should pack just the essentials or if they should prepare for every possible scenario.

Nicole Giangregorio, manager of Women’s Support Programs at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women & Newborns, explains that when packing to come to the hospital, less is actually better.

“With mom, dad, new baby and visitors all sharing the same hospital room, space is often a challenge. Packing lightly and utilizing the hospital-provided essentials will make a patient’s stay more comfortable.”

Giangregorio notes that hospitals typically provide all of the basic needs for mom and baby, including postpartum hygiene products; basic toiletries and gowns for mom; and diapers, wipes, hats and swaddle blankets for baby.

“Because both babies and moms are regularly checked by nurses and doctors throughout their stay, most babies are simply dressed in a diaper and T-shirt and swaddled, and many new moms choose to remain in a hospital gown for convenience,” explains Giangregorio. “This really reduces the amount of additional clothing patients need to pack.”

While the hospital provides most of what patients will need, here is a top 10 list of what new moms should consider packing for their stay:

  1. Preferred labor comforts such as favorite music, lotion for massages, and a hand-held fan

  2. Cellphone, camera or video camera, plus chargers and a portable power bank

  3. Important documents such as identification card, health insurance card and advance health care directive

  4. Nursing bra or other supportive bra

  5. Robe or comfortable pajamas

  6. Personal toiletries such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, contact lenses and solution, lip balm and hair ties

  7. Going-home outfit for baby

  8. Receiving blanket for bringing baby home

  9. Going-home outfit for mom (5 to 7 months pregnant size)

  10. Properly installed car seat

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