Veena Arun, MD
Medical doctor (MD)
Ophthalmology (board certified)
Veena Arun, MD
Medical doctor (MD)
Ophthalmology (board certified)
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Accepting new patients
(over age 12 only)
Virtual visits available
Location and phone
- 619-397-3088
Fax: 619-397-3388 Sharp Rees-Stealy Rancho Bernardo
Fax: 858-521-2018- 619-568-8220
Fax: 619-568-8089
About Veena Arun, MD
Helping people live a more full life is a privilege. Specifically, helping to restore and enhance vision is a tremendous opportunity that is very gratifying to me as a physician. I can directly make a difference for my patients and the community. Patients come in with various issues and it is a pleasure to evaluate their concerns and provide the best solutions whenever possible to help improve their quality of vision and life. In my spare time, I love gardening, hiking, swimming and traveling.
59In practice since:
FemaleName pronunciation:
Loyola University:
ResidencyUniversity of Chicago:
Medical SchoolLoyola University:
InternshipHospital affiliation
Areas of focus
To confirm coverage for specific treatments and procedures, contact your physician or health plan.
Patient Portal
Insurance plans accepted
Veena Arun, MD, accepts 37 health insurance plans.
Ratings and reviews
293 ratings
Patient ratings
Explanations the care provider gave you about your problem or condition
Concern the care provider showed for your questions or worries
Provider included you in decisions
Likelihood of your recommending this care provider to others
Provider discussed treatment options
Patient reviews
Verified Patient
October 29, 2024This was the first appointment for me with Dr. Arun. She listened to my concerns exceptionally well and thoroughly explained my conditions, treatment options, and prognosis. Although follow-up monitoring is needed I felt very well informed and am now confident she is very involve in my course of treatment.
Verified Patient
October 25, 2024Se.Arun is very direct and caring. I appreciate her professionalism, work ethic, and her ability to connect with me as her patient!
Verified Patient
October 23, 2024A Doctor with a great attitude and very dedicated to getting things right
Verified Patient
October 20, 2024The doctor has always been so impressive, which is why I always look forward to my visits with her. She is comprehensive, considerate, and attentive to my concerns.
Reviews are collected through nationally recognized Press Ganey patient satisfaction surveys. Learn more about ratings and reviews.
Special recognitions
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Have you and your family received exceptional care from Veena Arun, MD? Consider paying tribute to this provider with a Guardian Angel gift.
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Have you and your family received exceptional care from Veena Arun, MD? Consider paying tribute to this provider with a Guardian Angel gift.
All affiliated doctors referred by Sharp HealthCare are in good standing with a Sharp hospital or medical group and pay no fees to be included in this service. Doctors are not employees or agents of Sharp HealthCare. Selection is based on your particular needs. Learn more about how doctors and other providers are included in this service and the information displayed here.