Are lung cancer symptoms the same for men and women?
Lung cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in both men and women, but fatigue may be a more common symptom of the disease in women.
Medical doctor (MD)
Pulmonary disease
(board certified)
Medical Group
Medical doctor (MD)
Pulmonary disease
(board certified)
Medical Group
Accepting new patients
(over age 18 only)
3075 Health Center Drive
San Diego, CA 92123-2773
Get directions
Fax: 858-939-5582
Gaurav Khanna, MD, accepts 33 health insurance plans.
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Have you and your family received exceptional care from Gaurav Khanna, MD? Consider paying tribute to this provider with a Guardian Angel gift.
Gaurav Khanna, MD, has been featured as a medical expert in Sharp Health News.
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