Bennett Gross, MD
Medical doctor (MD)
Internal medicine (board certified)
Bennett Gross, MD
Medical doctor (MD)
Internal medicine (board certified)
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Not accepting new patients
Virtual visits available
Location and phone
- 858-499-2708
Fax: 858-309-3269
About Bennett Gross, MD
I decided to become a physician because I wanted to make a positive contribution and to be challenged in my professional life. What I find most rewarding is being a part of a profession that has the highest regard for others and provides a greater understanding of the human experience.
My patient care philosophy is centered on active listening, a thorough evaluation and applying the knowledge of medicine and the human experience to make people feel better. I enjoy talking with and listening to people from diverse backgrounds and developing long-standing patient-doctor relationships.
When I am not working, I enjoy spending time with my family. My outside hobbies include skiing, fly-fishing and golf.
57In practice since:
University of California, San Francisco:
ResidencyUniversity of California, San Francisco:
InternshipCase Western Reserve University:
Medical SchoolNPI
Patient Portal
Insurance plans accepted
Bennett Gross, MD, accepts 37 health insurance plans.
Ratings and reviews
217 ratings
Patient ratings
Explanations the care provider gave you about your problem or condition
Concern the care provider showed for your questions or worries
Provider included you in decisions
Likelihood of your recommending this care provider to others
Provider discussed treatment options
Patient reviews
Verified Patient
October 29, 2024Doctor Gross is a good guy. I truly appreciate all he does. Explains everything very well.
Verified Patient
October 25, 2024Dr. Gross clearly cares about his patients.
Verified Patient
October 11, 2024Dr Gross is down to earth and easy to talk to. He also tells things as it is
Verified Patient
October 5, 2024Excellent across the board
Reviews are collected through nationally recognized Press Ganey patient satisfaction surveys. Learn more about ratings and reviews.
Special recognitions
Guardian Angel recognitions
Bennett Gross, MD, has received Guardian Angel recognitions from grateful patients and families. Have you and your family received exceptional care from Bennett Gross, MD? Consider paying tribute with a Guardian Angel gift.
Guardian Angel recognitions
Bennett Gross, MD, has received Guardian Angel recognitions from grateful patients and families. Have you and your family received exceptional care from Bennett Gross, MD? Consider paying tribute with a Guardian Angel gift.
All affiliated doctors referred by Sharp HealthCare are in good standing with a Sharp hospital or medical group and pay no fees to be included in this service. Doctors are not employees or agents of Sharp HealthCare. Selection is based on your particular needs. Learn more about how doctors and other providers are included in this service and the information displayed here.