Michelle Seavey, MD
Medical doctor (MD)
OBGYN (board certified)
Michelle Seavey, MD
No ratings availableMedical doctor (MD)
OBGYN (board certified)
Scheduling not available for this provider
This provider does not see patients by appointment.
About Michelle Seavey, MD
The Sharp Experience means providing exceptional medical care to the patient in a personalized manner, maintaining eye contact, addressing them by their preferred name, getting to know the patient, and how I can make their healthcare experience the best it can be. I was influenced to become a doctor by my childhood pediatrician, then a dermatologist in my teen years, as well as a young female primary care physician who encouraged me to merge my passion for science with my desire to help others. As an OB hospitalist, I have a unique role in women's healthcare. It is a hospital-based practice that provides 24-hour coverage to the labor and delivery unit and ER for obstetric and gynecological services. I also help support the community OB/GYNs in whatever way I can, like assisting with cesarean delivery. I also provide care to those patients who do not have a provider at our facility. I feel strongly that it takes a team of people to care for a patient, and I am honored to be part of the healthcare team. I was influenced to become a doctor by my childhood pediatrician, then a dermatologist in my teen years, as well as a young female primary care physician who encouraged me to merge my passion for science with my desire to help others. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, going to the beach, reading, and baking.
University of Florida:
ResidencyUniversity of Oklahoma:
Medical SchoolUniversity of Florida:
InternshipHospital affiliation
Patient Portal
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Have you and your family received exceptional care from Michelle Seavey, MD? Consider paying tribute to this provider with a Guardian Angel gift.
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