How to win the battle of the barf
How to handle a child’s upset stomach — and all that comes with it.
Medical doctor (MD)
(board certified)
Medical doctor (MD)
(board certified)
Accepting new patients
Virtual visits available
Grossmont Pediatrics
6942 University Ave
Suite A
La Mesa, CA 91942
Get directions
Fax: 619-698-2084
I provide appropriate primary intervention to help treat all types of illness in my pediatric patients, and provide follow up with a specialist if medically indicated. I offer "get acquainted" visits, walk in appointments and strive to prevent illness in my patients with timely preventive care. I see children from birth through adolescence. I perform circumcisions on newborns younger than three weeks and treat eating disorders, growth problems and learning disabilities. I provide adolescent exams and birth control and treat STDs.
To confirm coverage for specific treatments and procedures, contact your physician or health plan.
Bina Adigopula, MD, accepts 33 health insurance plans.
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Have you and your family received exceptional care from Bina Adigopula, MD? Consider paying tribute to this provider with a Guardian Angel gift.
Recognize this provider
Have you and your family received exceptional care from Bina Adigopula, MD? Consider paying tribute to this provider with a Guardian Angel gift.
Bina Adigopula, MD, has been featured as a medical expert in Sharp Health News.
All affiliated doctors referred by Sharp HealthCare are in good standing with a Sharp hospital or medical group and pay no fees to be included in this service. Doctors are not employees or agents of Sharp HealthCare. Selection is based on your particular needs. Learn more about how doctors and other providers are included in this service and the information displayed here.